Highest Rated Comments

dgauss142 karma

Hey guys. Long time Firefox user but it is a bit of a memory hog. Any plans to slim it down?

dgauss119 karma

Who the hell is slicing onions in here?? This is an office not a kitchen...

dgauss109 karma

You have never been to 4chan

dgauss4 karma

I feel like this is cheating.

dgauss2 karma

I know this is not related to the AMA but I was here two hours ago and was hitting F5 like crazy. This thread never came up. I ended up going to lunch.

Most likely too late but: I wanted to ask. Based off the current sentiment in Europe where they are trying to exclude religion in any of the educational process, do you think that this would be possible in America?

Also besides the obvious answers of a christian conservative movement, what are the other oppositions stopping this from happening?