Highest Rated Comments

diarrheaphragm109 karma

"Cock! Cock! Jism! Grandma! Cock!" Was one of the few lines in a sitcom that made me "for real" laugh out loud. Was that one yours?

edit: unneeded edit.

diarrheaphragm38 karma

I loosely knew a guy through my old work who was an amputee. He worked as an extra in low-budget zombie flicks playing guys/zombies who'd had their leg ripped off. I don't know him well or what he made money-wise but have you ever thought of getting into something like that? There might be a market for it depending on where you live and it could be good for some extra scratch on top of your social security. Come to think of it I should run this idea by my sister. She lost her leg to cancer when she was young.

diarrheaphragm28 karma

Hey Gogol Bordello! Been a big fan for years. Gogol Bordello has been on regular rotation on my playlist since probably 2005. Saw you guys for the first time on May '12 at the Sound Academy in Toronto. The show was packed and hot as hell. Had a blast! Tickets were about $35 then and about $55 this year. Kind of a bummer for your poorer fans like me but I'm happy to see great bands like Gogol Bordello get successful and draw bigger crowds. My questions are:

-Does your relative commercial success conflict with your anti-capitalist/anarcho politics?

-If so, how do you reconcile these issues?

-Eugene, you clearly stole the show in Everything is Illuminated. Anymore plans in the works for acting gigs?

You and the rest of GB keep up the good work!

edit: Just looked you up on imdb and saw you've done a few other movies. Will definitely have to check them out.

diarrheaphragm26 karma

Please give your answers in the form of a question.

diarrheaphragm23 karma

C'mooooon! What happened the weekend before last?