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dietcoke3055 karma

Oklahoma City Bombing

dietcoke3053 karma

I've always suspected that I had a 'mild' form of ED. I have tertiary scoliosis and numerous problems due to ligament laxity all over my body. What did you do to get diagnosed? Just got to the doctor and ask for the test?

dietcoke3053 karma

What grades did you teach? Did you have a favorite grade? Do you have any specialty subjects?

dietcoke3051 karma

Thanks for the reply. I have very frequent dislocations, mostly knee and shoulder. I've had 3 knee surgeries to stop the dislocations but no one has mentioned EHD. My scoliosis is very rare. Most people have 1, maybe 2 curves. I have 3 curves: 2 at 20 degrees, top at 30 degrees. Looking at me, you wouldn't know it without an X-ray. I've always been very hypermobile in my joints.

dietcoke3051 karma

Thanks for the reply. I have very frequent dislocations, mostly knee and shoulder. I've had 3 knee surgeries to stop the dislocations but no one has mentioned EHD. My scoliosis is very rare. Most people have 1, maybe 2 curves. I have 3 curves: 2 at 20 degrees, top at 30 degrees. Looking at me, you wouldn't know it without an X-ray. I've always been very hypermobile in my joints. Also, I bruise easier than anyone I've ever met. My friend likely to lightly hit me on the shoulder, like a good job thing, and it always leaves a mark. I always have bruises, some pretty large, that I have no clue where they come from. I've had bloodwork done for that; I'm not anemic or have any other condition that causes bruising that is commonly tested for in blood.