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digital_angel_31622 karma

Why are sanctuary cities not in contempt of Federal law, and why are government participants not removed and prosecuted?

digital_angel_3161 karma

Given reports like Livestocks Long Shadow, NOAA reports on the state of ocean pollution and endangered fisheries, excessive cesarean section rates, exploding population and single parenthood, increases in airline and auto fuel consumption and pollution generation, social upheaval due to the above leading to conflict and refugee/emmigration, why does the UN backtrack and promote more of the same?

What then is your agenda of the top ten environmental issues, contributors, prevention and reduction of consumption and generation of these items?

Pragmatism and green economy are new world order catch phrases - can you, will you attempt a holistic approach to the issues getting past the NWO agenda and look to a zero based budgeting approach?

digital_angel_3161 karma

Is the movie series "Men in Black" based on fact - what with scientists sending mesages to outer space and all?