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djdanlib565 karma

A vaccine for salmonella?? So if we get inoculated, we can finally eat raw cookie dough again? :-O

djdanlib232 karma

Identity confirmed

djdanlib138 karma

I totally understand where you're coming from. I have a female stalker too, and nobody will take it seriously. I'm much larger and stronger than she is, so people assume I can't possibly be affected by it. Not even the police, who tell me that an Order of Protection isn't likely to happen with the lack of a sexual relationship / living together.

It's amazing how resourceful and persistent she is... I blocked her Facebook account which she had been using to stalk me, and she found ways around it and continued to monitor my activities. (I stopped posting things that would give anyone clues about them.) I kept her out of the loop with a romantic relationship I had last year, she got an informant and knows a lot about it. I told my phone to reject her calls, she started calling from payphones. I spelled out very clearly in an email how I don't want her to contact me over a year ago, and she still finds me in person at places like the grocery store and makes public scenes! She shows up at my door and at places where I am known to be (I have some regularly scheduled things) just to hassle me some more. She wants to tell me how horrible she thinks I am, she wants to bring me down, and even sent me a 40-page, single-spaced letter about it just a couple weeks ago. I was not the only person who received a copy of that letter.

I lose a lot of sleep over this. Every time she gets ahold of me, I get anxiety that lasts for days. I try to avoid going to places I know she might be, and I hide details of my life from everyone just in case her informants (I don't know who they are) are paying attention. It's so much stress all the time and it affects me almost every day.

Any guidance would be appreciated, especially along the lines of the legal system which you have dealt with.

djdanlib63 karma


Voice reco is already built into the device, so all it needs to do is occasionally recognize and flag that it heard keywords. Then, send the keywords (not audio) to the mothership, which simply increases the strength of those keywords in the user's advertising profile.

I very much doubt anyone is separating out overheard keywords from keywords gathered other ways e.g. search queries, content shared, etc.

djdanlib63 karma

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