Highest Rated Comments

djl0461411 karma

Did your xbox sound more like a lawnmower or a chainsaw by the time you finally logged off?

djl046142 karma

Hey guys,

You were my very first concert ever way back in 2006..it was an amazing experience that truly spurred me on to become a music lover for life. I just wanted to share that with you guys; The Everglow really spoke to me at that time in my life. (As it continues to as I revisit my past!) What was it like for you guys touring during that time period? Did you immediately love touring and visiting so many cities?

Thanks again for all your passion. It's unparalleled.

djl046141 karma

My grandfather had Parkinsons..thankfully for him, it only really began affecting his life around age 62. Have you met others with the disease, and has it helped you cope with what will happen to you in the future?

djl046141 karma

What factors originally brought you to creating this style of music? It certainly is not something that most people would consider giving a chance right off the bat. Thanks for all the good vibes!

djl046141 karma

What was your most challenging scene from Breaking Bad? Towards the end of the series, there were some serious confrontations.