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djs758116 karma

We can't pass reforms to end crony capitalism (subsidies, reductions in unnecessary military spending, tax breaks, etc.) until we pass campaign finance reform, because candidates are reliant on corporate donors. In fact, all populous legislation is impossible unless it has support from America's wealthiest individuals. Lessig wants to pass campaign finance reform in order to empower the public, so candidates are beholden to voters and not dollars. Then, the idea is that we'll be able to elect candidates who are there to work for the people, rather to enter a revolving door system or handouts and cronyism.

djs75845 karma

What's your background in technology?

djs75816 karma

What impact did Martin Gilens' research have on your decision to run for president as a referendum candidate?

For those who are not aware, Gilens compared policy views of the general public by wealth with political influence, and found that policy influence is almost purely determined by wealth, with the bottom 70% of Americans having zero impact on public policy, because their views are not supported by dollars.

djs7588 karma

Internet.org looks more like an effort to expand Facebook's advertising base, rather than bring internet to the people. Otherwise, why not just bring them capped internet. Internet.org is an OBVIOUS violation of net neutrality.

djs7582 karma

Do you think pineapple on pizza is contrary to the laws of human nature?