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dogsarefun243 karma

Sorry, should I know who you are? I googled you because I assume I’m out of touch, but it looks like you have less than 200 followers on Instagram and an average of two monthly plays on Spotify. No offense but the questions on here seem… fake somehow? Like overly general… is this some kind of promotional thing you’re trying?

dogsarefun91 karma

Bill Nye kicked ass in that.

dogsarefun82 karma

Well, there are ways I can make myself hallucinate, so I can know for a fact that it’s something the brain can do, which makes it easier to accept the reality of schizophrenia. Multiple personalities are not something I can genuinely experience, but can easily fake. I’m not saying that I don’t believe DID is real, but I fully understand the difference in how skeptical people are about it.

dogsarefun57 karma

This could probably go on all day

dogsarefun49 karma

Do you know how to ride a horse?