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dominiquedenis1 karma

Yeah that's fair, and it's also that those who are working by choice generally need less social assistance than those who have little choice. Certainly the high-needs and very vulnerable are who we spent most of our case management and counselling resources on, but we also see some sex workers only every few months for a big safe sex supplies order and that's it. So the population we (you and I) see at our agencies isn't representative of the entire population of sex workers. We see those who are actively seeking help, not those who are coping well and/or thriving.

dominiquedenis1 karma

Hi there, I manage a program for adult sex workers of all genders in Calgary, Alberta, Canada called SHIFT. You mention the driving forces behind sex work involvement are abuse/trauma and drug addiction. I'm wondering why you don't mention that some sex workers choose to work in the industry without constrained choice and that it can be just another work option? Some sex workers enjoy their work and have chosen to do sex work as a short-term job or a long-term career. Perhaps this is less common in Rhode Island? Many of our clients, although they may experience stigma and discrimination related to their line of work, are happy with their choice, have no substance abuse problems, and no significant trauma that drove them to be sex workers. They make good money, keep themselves safe in terms of STIs, and provide for their families in the same way that you or I would. As we are not an exit-based program, we provide services regardless of where they are at. Many come to us for help leaving the industry, but others are ok with their work but need help in other areas (housing, finances, food, etc). We even help find resources and teach safety tips for folks wanting to get into the industry if that's what they want!

I caution using statements that deepen stereotypes that all sex workers have suffered childhood trauma, are exploited/trafficked and are addicted to drugs. This is simply not the case (here, anyway) and doesn't do any favours to the population we are trying to assist. I rarely comment on Reddit but felt I needed to fill a gap here. Thanks for listening and keep up the good work! :)