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dontbeajerk32 karma

I love Jewish parents.

dontbeajerk32 karma

This is also my favorite Eureka scene :)

dontbeajerk9 karma

With the success of Netflix's "House of Cards," many networks with online video distribution systems have been scrambling to find Nielsen replacements that actually measure meaningful statistics. What kind of data do you guys gather on your audience's viewing habits, and how? (PS - are you familiar with the data the collected to create House of Cards? If not, fucking fascinating read here: http://www.salon.com/2013/02/01/how_netflix_is_turning_viewers_into_puppets/ (This article makes it sound pretty negative, but I for one think what Netflix is doing is awesome.)

dontbeajerk6 karma

This will force students to justify why a certain program and to look at job prospects before they invest 4 years and thousands of dollars.

That's not how it works. Your parents, your teachers, and your school counselors tell 17 year olds that they will be "very disappointed" in them if they don't take out the loans, and so 17 year old children with no understanding of the complex financial legalities of student loans agree to very high loans and interest rates without having any understanding of their ability to pay it off. Also, schools such as NYU, my alma mater, lie blatantly about your post-graduation opportunities. NYU actually charges their own currently enrolled students $25 an hour for resume advice.

You also write: "If you're a hardworking, intelligent person who got accepted to Stanford for Enginnering you will be able to get a loan to go." How does hardworking and intelligent have anything to do with your parent's credit score?

dontbeajerk2 karma

there wasn't much resentment towards the US in Egypt apart from supporting Mubarak's dictatorship, but once some people pointed out the "Made in the U.S." Mark on the tear bomb cans everyone entered a deep state of anger towards both America and Mubarak's regime.

Wow, I'm surprised they actually printed that on the cans. That's...really dumb of them.