Highest Rated Comments

dramatrauma6 karma

So, as a woman, whose only experience with online games to date include FarmVille and Candy Crush, and the fact I get bored easily and don't own a console. What would be a good place to start? There are so many consoles and so many games. It's kinda overwhelming.

dramatrauma4 karma

I love to muck around on the computer. I have been kicking around the idea of a Wii for awhile just haven't bought it. I was actually going to get it for yoga and Wii fit. Hmmmm...gaming...dual purpose...money justified. In the meantime, I will look into WoW on my (ahem, Mac) :) and Sonic- do they have Sonic? I used to love that game when I was a bit younger.

dramatrauma3 karma

How long have you guys been playing these games? Are there women players?

dramatrauma2 karma

6 figures??!?? To play video games?!?! GTFO!!! I save lives for a living and I don't make that! I'm going to go throw up now. But before I do, Chris Kluwe, I loved the book.

dramatrauma2 karma

Ghost pepper sauce. Don't be a wus.