Highest Rated Comments

dtigerx2 karma

So in a partner are you afraid that they would baby you have you ran into that behavior before

dtigerx2 karma

I was new to sex when I saw you riding and punching and just wanted to say thanks for the formative years

dtigerx2 karma

Been with a girl four years on and off and one off those off periods was fir a few months with another girl who I have since broke contact with now current gf will soon be moving in and I stl worry that she hasn't gotten over the hurt and mistrust and regained the level of self esteem she had a year ago before I practically "left her for another woman"

dtigerx1 karma

Figured I'd hit the deeper questions before this thing exploded thanks for your time and advice and if things don't improve we may seek counseling but I hire it won't come to needing that

dtigerx1 karma

Yeah I'm actually probably quasi sex crazed wouldn't say addicted and have major depressive disorder so the flirting and pick up game have always been A. A way to fulfill the desire for meaningless sex and B. A confidence booster for myself so I guess follow up question what would you suggest to help me feel less need for that...it has diminished but it's not yet completely gone