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dubchem51 karma

I will almost always put socks on before my underwear. What does this say about me, statistically?

dubchem39 karma

IMHO, this is an excellent answer. Beyond genetic diversity, I would also look at individuals with diverse professional backgrounds. For example, people who have a medical degree, but also have degrees in geology or programming. Working lean on Mars isn't an optimization strategy as much as it's impossible to miss out on. Even more importantly, astronauts should be given the opportunity to cross train each other on critical skills in these specializations so that argument can give depth on critical issues. On person should never have to carry anything alone when it comes to ensuring survival and propagation.

dubchem9 karma

Serious Question: What do you think is the worst part of getting involved in politics?

Less Serious Question: If you won the Powerball tonight, would you still be in the race tomorrow?

Best of luck to you, btw.

dubchem9 karma

I appreciate the effort.

dubchem8 karma

You created a new account for this AMA and you've been sparse on details. My concerns likely stem from the same place your caution originates. Living in the West, I would very much enjoy hearing your perspective, but I'm not sure the risk to you is worth our curiosity.