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dudelikeshismusic15 karma

Hummus is basically a life hack for veggies. It's available in a ton of flavors (and easy to make yourself!), highly nutritious, not terribly expensive (even store-bought), and goes perfectly with vegetables. It's completely changed my vegetable game.

dudelikeshismusic12 karma

Can you link this? I'm very interested but I couldn't find a source in my quick google search.

dudelikeshismusic6 karma

Ah your area sounds like the area I grew up in (in Pennsylvania); there's definitely a trade off with all that money.

My dad went to Edison; he implied that the school and its faculty were a bit of a joke when he attended it.

For anyone that isn't familiar with Fairfax County, one of its schools (West Potomac) is a rival of T. C. Williams, the school featured in Remember The Titans.

dudelikeshismusic5 karma

My dad went to school in Fairfax County! He said it was a little rough back in his day. Do the kids do anything extreme or are they just typical obnoxious kids?

dudelikeshismusic1 karma

That's really too bad, but I'm glad to hear that it isn't a total hell-hole. I really don't think there's any fixing middle school, middle school was the worst for everybody.