Highest Rated Comments

dumbgaytheist887 karma

Oh that's all.

dumbgaytheist31 karma

You've got to be kidding. In Europe, hating America is considered high fashion. I sometimes wish Hollywood and rock n roll hadn't caused such an interest in us as cultural exporters. We know next to nothing about other countries politics, yet half the time I argue with someone here about American politics, they turn out to be British, Canadian, Australian, or Swedish.

Like it or not, much of the world has a love-hate infatuation with America. Some may be happily oblivious, but we're under the microscope of non-Americans more than I personally enjoy.

30 years ago I was in France and was refused service in a restaurant and treated badly by the staff just because my family was American. Things haven't improved, especially post G W Bush.

dumbgaytheist12 karma

We'll make sure we forget all about their Goldman Sachs affiliations when they're appointed to seats of office in the next administration, regardless of party.

dumbgaytheist5 karma

Wow, Tommy! Didn't expect you here, so I don't have a good question prepared!

Umm, let's see...Can you give us a brief anecdote of something the great Les Paul did or said that left an impression on you? You probably have a whole quiver of those.

Thank you for showing the world a concrete example of passion and mastery. You're so fun to watch and listen to, and will continue to inspire for many generations, I'm utterly convinced.

dumbgaytheist5 karma

What a great answer.