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dumesne127 karma

Although I love Sam's performance I still think the most perfect line delivery in the film is 'by Grabthar's hammer... what a savings'

dumesne41 karma

You think Mueller would just sit quietly if Barr was misrepresenting his report to the public?

dumesne22 karma

So you think Barr is just lying about the report's contents? Not credible if you ask me. Mueller would not take that lying down.

dumesne1 karma

Thanks but that answer refers to internal PD disciplinary procedures rather than a legal charge, doesn't it? The title of the AMA refers to a police department decision 'not to charge'.

dumesne1 karma

Barr has said the report finds there was no collusion. That's either an accurate representation of the overall findings or not. If that was a lie- to Congress, Senate, the American people, the whole world- I don't believe Mueller would let it stand. Nor do I believe Barr would flat out lie about a report of such weight, which will inevitably come out sooner or later. This seems like clutching at straws that aren't there.