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e1ven18 karma

If you had it to do over again, What changes might you have made to the existing Space Quest games?

e1ven16 karma

Given that Space Quest featured arcade sequences extensively (to the delight of some, the chagrin of others), how do you feel about the rise of the Action/Adventure genre - You often see games now that have EXTENSIVE characterization, plot, even inventory puzzles, but also platforming, shooting, or other non-traditional AG elements?

Is this a good way to expand the genre, a corruption of something pure, or something altogether different?

e1ven13 karma

Tell me more about Ace - Is his a Roger Wilco Expy, or does he have a whole unique personality? He seems gruffer, less wishy-washy, but I'd love to hear your thoughts! ;)

e1ven12 karma

Do you think that Adventure Games have become less popular over time, or is it that they've stayed about the same, but other games have become More popular?

e1ven10 karma

What sort of interface are you using for the remake? Are you going to do the Sierra-style dropdown menu with action icons? A lucasarts-style verb bar on the bottom?

If you're going for simple, I thought the Monkey Island 3 style mouse-effect worked well. Essentially, you could click for "Action" or "Look" worked reasonably well.

Alternatively, I suppose, a radial menu, click and hold, might work?

How are you going to do this? ;)