Highest Rated Comments

earbud_smegma24 karma

Ma'am, I am struggling to come up with a good question because you just seem like such a fantastic lady. Thank you so much for doing this!

Do you have any vices? What do you like to do for fun and relaxation?

earbud_smegma7 karma

Hey, thanks for doing this AMA! I will admit that I'd never listened to your music before today, but it has really interesting layers of sounds. I dig it!

As the (adult) child of a person with disabilities, I was always intrigued by how my grandparents raised my mom to never be "less than". I feel that her outlook and ability to do everything that she does, was influenced by that "you can do it" attitude. How were your parents when you were growing up, and do you think that it helped you become the showman that you are today?

earbud_smegma7 karma

Yeah, definitely! Even though she was also born as she is, my mom's disabilities are different (she was a thalidomide baby) but I think that since it was a bit more rare back in the day they just kinda.. Let her assume that she could do whatever rather than rushing to help her all the time, you know? Exactly like you said, just.. Be a human, do your thing. :)

I think it's so cool that you're taking the time to answer everyone. Between that and your music, you've gained a fan today!

earbud_smegma3 karma

Yeah, it's wild!

Man I'm really, really digging your sound. With 3 albums out last year how do you find time to tour and everything else?

earbud_smegma3 karma

Sleeping is the BEST.

I'm so excited to show your stuff off to my friends! Do you ever come to south Florida? If you don't, you should consider it! :D