Highest Rated Comments

edubcb133 karma


What input (if any) did you have in Nick Hornby's "Smash"?

edubcb8 karma

It turns out that basketball players are not streak shooters, much as the casual fan thinks they are.

This theory has been updated/rebuked. It turns out there is statistical evidence of hot hands, it just isn't NBA Jam style like many think. Summary of the new research

edubcb3 karma

Will you please spend 5k and build an actual website instead of that god awful one your publisher has?

edubcb3 karma

For what it's worth I don't think anyone got the DVD yet.

edubcb1 karma


I’ve read a bit of what you’ve written about the young person exodus from finance to tech. I’m relatively involved in the NYC tech start up scene and I’ve noticed that by and large the young finance guys have essentially no knowledge of even cursory programing. Instead they are mostly just well spoken and polished individuals.

What do you think the impact of this will be on the tech industry moving forward?