Highest Rated Comments

ehalpern2210 karma

We've come full circle.

ehalpern719 karma

I'm curious, has it decomposed over time? Has it gathered moisture from the air and become real poop again?

ehalpern550 karma

Eli here from Cards Against Humanity. We write cards to be as funny as possible. If people are ready to joke about something, then a joke about it will be funny. If people are not ready to joke about it, then there is no way to write a funny joke about it. It will just make people sad or uncomfortable. Different people have different thresholds and sensitivities, but we try to figure out where the lines are so that we can toe them. We also read and respond to all emails that express offense at certain cards in the game. One of the nice things about being an independent game is that, as well as writing whatever jokes we want, we can also change or remove jokes at a moments notice.

ehalpern537 karma

Eli here from Cards Against Humanity. The Fifth Expansion will be available when the stars fall from the sky and rivers flow backwards, when mountains crumble and God descends from his throne in Heaven to walk among men. Sign up for email updates at our website.

Re: PAX cards, shoot us an email at cardsagainsthumanity@gmail.com.