Highest Rated Comments

eilah_tan124 karma

not really her fault, apparently reddit fucked up on this one https://twitter.com/triketora/status/1296185878738501635

eilah_tan24 karma

the results were terrible, read the post she made back then https://medium.com/@triketora/where-are-the-numbers-cb997a57252

eilah_tan8 karma

Hi Pieter, thanks for doing this AMA, and thanks for being so open about one of the last standing taboos of our society: dying.

a bit of a morbid question, but do you have any idea what it will feel like to die? the process your body will go through? have you done any research on the technicalities? I'm wondering, since you seem to have accepted the fate on a more cognitive level, if you are now becoming more fascinated with the process of something every human goes through, which we are so uninformed about...

eilah_tan5 karma

love it.

I do feel like this is also the perfect opportunity to leave a few pranks here an there for when you're gone.

eilah_tan4 karma

Hey Tracy! Thanks for doing this AMA, sorry you have to wade through asshole comments or people downvoting your responses.

I really like the idea of Block Party's vouching system, I couldn't instantly find whether other people will still be able to see the responses that block party has hidden?

I was also wondering whether you would consider to make it possible to see who's in your "network" of vouched people? Ever since Twitter tailored its algorithm to a curated newsfeed, I'm curious to know who actually sees my content (especially when i start tweeting about a different subject more). I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to see which 'network' you belong to based on followers of followers.

maybe an interesting application for Block Party?