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ej5319 karma

I just finished jury duty service, and served on a trial. I feel like my experience was pretty different. Maybe it's because I live in a pretty liberal, educated area... or maybe because it is 15 years later. But, our votes were not secret from the other jurors as OP said in one of the comments. The defense attorney even had the option to poll us in court after the verdicts were read.
Also, "chief jury"??? I believe the term is Foreman of the Jury, or the Jury Foreman. Our foreman was never referred to as the Chief Jury.

ej5317 karma

What sports bra? I'm in the market for a new one.

ej5315 karma

According to /u/AileenMarty, "Currently the US has a recommendation that individuals present themselves to physicians if they think they may be at-risk, but there is no specific screening in place. That needs to change ASAP."

So, the US does not have one of the best screening processes.... We have no process.

ej5313 karma

Even if your mom had been more persistent about her concerns, would the doctors have been able to do anything?

ej5313 karma

Why would they reopen the case? If someone else plead guilty to the crime, then there is no legitimate reason for your complaint to reopen anything. Sorry, but I think this is just an interesting attempt at creative writing.