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elgiorgie58 karma

As someone who almost got married to a woman with molestation and date rape in her past, all I can say is...don't try and "fix" them. And don't think you can save them. You can and should be supportive of course. But it's a slippery slope into being a really toxic codependency relationship. Don't be surprised if the person just isn't ready to commit in the way most partners need their partner to commit. And also, don't hold that against them.

elgiorgie15 karma

How many total questions have you received from people asking you to just look up politicians for them instead of searching themselves?

I have an idea why that might be the case. When you search for a politician, it's not necessarily apparent that you need to click their name. The rest of the page has colored tags that seem like they should be hyperlinked. But they cannot be clicked. It looks like a splash page that goes to nowhere.

Anyway, just a design note. It's an incredible undertaking. Congrats. But you might have a designer quickly make some adjustments so it reads a bit cleaner.

elgiorgie15 karma

I think probably seeing the site and the aftermath was pretty horrific. Thousands wiped off the face of the Earth. An entire city erased. Seems pretty horrific.

elgiorgie5 karma

The ACA has systemic problems mostly because the system in which it operates is completely corrupted.

You cannot simultaneously provide people with the best possible health care while also providing share holders with the best possible returns on their investments. One things must be sacrificed for the other. And usually, it's patient care.

So when my mother-in-law gets told by her insurer (provided by her husband's job at a major fortune 500 company) that they will only pay for ONE breast to be removed instead of the doctor-ordered TWO, that is the "market" making its demands on the level of service.

When we're talking about widgets, the problem is not so existential. You find a cheaper way to make the product to get the greatest possible returns. (Unless, of course, you talk about how the widget is made with slave labor...but I digress). The fundamental problem with our health care system is that a privatized industry is by its very nature always in conflict with its product....providing the best possible health care for an individual.

The whole debate is moronic, mostly because we're basically trying to fit a square peg in a circular hole. Just my opinion on the matter. But by all means, please let me know why your minor in economics makes me a moron.

elgiorgie4 karma

The most cringe-worthy part of that video is the blazing idiocy of this congressman's confidence in his response..."Oh, and this e coli turned into a human? heheh"

My question...how do you teach an idiot? That is, how do you teach people who are so unwaveringly delusional and utterly allergic to curiosity in any form? Or do we just give up on that generation and focus on the Millennials.

Also, Rice U grad here. Mad props.