Highest Rated Comments

endlessalex91 karma


endlessalex18 karma

I also just wanted to tell you how much Pete and Pete hast meant to me. The Pete's were like my childhood friends. Growing up a lonely, shy suburban kid in the Hudson Valley, I could really relate to the show. It made me feel a lot less alone at a time when I felt like the world was against me. I always admired and envied Little Pete's courage. I met you at the NYC reunion, and meant to tell you this in person, but I was just too shy. Thanks for everything, Danny

endlessalex14 karma

I love you guys. I'm a life long fan, and I've really enjoyed the resurrection of Pete & Pete these past few years, with you guys doing the reunions and the podcast and such. The show means a lot to me, and I really appreciate how much you guys still care about the show and its fans. Thank you for that. Do either of you guys have an episode that stands out as your favorite?

endlessalex7 karma

oh! and what's your favorite Polaris song?

endlessalex7 karma

what do you think is the most important thing you learned from working on Pete and Pete?