Highest Rated Comments

ephantmon1156 karma

Will you PLEASE post a brief video clip or audio clip of yourself saying "titty sprinkles"?

ephantmon46 karma

Yeah ,that's where the request comes from. My imagining him say it would pale in comparison to the real thing. It would become my new ringtone for my wife's incoming calls.

ephantmon45 karma

High school biology teacher in MD here.

Though I don't know your exact curriculum and school, there is no caselaw that would allow a parent to sue specifically for disallowing their child biblical discussion time in class.

I try to carefully explain to the students (and parents if necessary) the nature of science requires testability and falsifiability. There is nothing testable about creationism, and there is nothing falsifiable about an omnipotent god. By definition religion is supernatural and science deals with the natural world. Evolution is not anti-religion, it has no comment on, and no common ground with religion.

I would try to explain to dad (though he sounds like he won't listen anyway) that you are presenting evidence based on empirical observation and experimental data. If he is still belligerent about it, talk to your department chair and/or principal about keeping dad out of your classroom.

ephantmon43 karma

What do you make of the controversies over WHY there are so many fewer women in the hard sciences, math, and engineering majors in college? Do you see institutional sexism within those majors? Is it more attributable to social pressures? Or is it (as Lawrence Summers advocated, much to his chagrin) possibly rooted in sex-based neurological differences?

ephantmon29 karma

It's a load of shit. I stopped reading after the author referred to his "guided" regressive therapy. Humans are incapable of forming long term memories at that age (1-2 days).