Highest Rated Comments

eric__b45 karma

Great question - I’ll start by saying this had NOTHING to do with a dusty warehouse of old processors that we were compelled to buy because of our finance department. This was an engineering-driven decision, plain and simple. Our analysis on performance and battery life impact based on the early Android Wear requirements led to our decision.

eric__b39 karma

can't give exact numbers but the cracking happens to a fraction of a percent. people who don't have the issue aren't compelled to post on reddit :)

eric__b37 karma

Hey, I’ll answer a few of these. Re AMOLED, as you can imagine sourcing the first round display for a smartwatch wasn’t an easy exercise nor were there many vendors prepared to deliver. We went with our very best option. With the success of Moto 360, it’s pretty clear that we’ll have more options going forward, even though we might still decide that something similar to what we have is still right for us.

Re: UK variations, you’ll see more options in Q1 of next year.

Re Moto 360 updates, we don’t have any plans to end updates. We DO have plans for many more. :-)

eric__b36 karma

Let me put it this way, we’re not sitting around patting ourselves on the back and admiring our work! :-)