Highest Rated Comments

ermonas21 karma

I'll just ask the obvious questions while I think of something better:

  • How's Antarctica going?

  • Do you have any plans in regards of future World of Tomorrow episodes? The 2nd one was incredible, somehow more poignant and even better developed than the first one. I read somewhere that you where planing on downplaying the Emily's in the future, is this still correct?

ermonas10 karma

What do you think of your fans? Do we scare you sometimes? (I know this question is incredibly unoriginal, but I'm truly curious) (sorry if this has been asked before)

ermonas2 karma

Do It's Such a Beautiful Day and World of Tomorrow happen in the same universe? Is this some sort of Hertzfeldt Cinematic Universe? If that's the case, in which phase are we right now?

ermonas2 karma

I understand. Here's hoping you make it available someday. Meanwhile, if someone in my country exhibits World of Tomorrow, I'll try to go, hoping they exhibit the intro too. Thanks!

ermonas2 karma

Will you make that intro available somewhere? I would love to watch it.