Highest Rated Comments

erowidtrance13 karma

Do you still have the travel bug? Has your upbringing killed it or inspired you to do more?

erowidtrance6 karma

In all seriousness when you thought you spoke to God did he say anything back?

erowidtrance3 karma

How common is child abuse with CPS?

erowidtrance3 karma

Yeah either. What did you hear about or experience personally and how prevalent would you say it is?

erowidtrance3 karma

but one thing I noticed is that I think a lot during sex

Have you tried meditation? As cliched as it is meditation does make you much more in the moment in situations rather than constantly thinking about something else like when you get really absorbed in a book and forget your surroundings.

"When one relaxes into a state of oneness, the neural networks in experienced practitioners change as they lower the psychological wall between themselves and their environments, Dr Josipovic says. And this reorganisation in the brain may lead to what some meditators claim to be a deep harmony between themselves and their surroundings."