Highest Rated Comments

esotericunicornz13 karma

Damn. I love how the more of the story was Be Kind.

esotericunicornz9 karma

What is something you learned about in your research that you absolutely couldn't get to the bottom of, couldn't figure out?

esotericunicornz7 karma

Fascinating, and a good answer : )

By the way, it's not admitting that you came up short imo; there's probably another 1000 relevant topics you could have pulled in that would take a few lifetimes to "fully" vet by yourself. Just transparency and humility and I salute you.

esotericunicornz6 karma

Didn’t consider her having a sperm donor or adopting? I mean, assuming that was the only issue

esotericunicornz0 karma

What are some of your deepest secrets?

What are the deepest secrets you’d like to know?