Highest Rated Comments

etchgtown475 karma

I'll Take "It Up the _____" for $400.

etchgtown456 karma

Historically, the 12 spot has been the ceiling seed in many cases for smaller-conference champions. Those teams are often somewhat untested but very good, and facing major-conference non-champions who may be slumping or banged up.

etchgtown33 karma

There are several atrocious lines in Bloodsport that would fit comedically into your scripts. "NOW I SHOW YOU SOME TRICK OR TWO" comes to mind. Or "STOP -- BOTTOM ONE"

etchgtown4 karma

Do you feel like, historically, there has been more corruption in Italian leagues, or is it more a matter of the Italian investigations being more frequent and successful in revealing the corruption and making cases stick?

etchgtown1 karma

Hi - 34, GERD, hiatal hernia, but no Barrett's luckily. Nexium seriously improved my quality of life, so it sucks that you can't even get it down. Do the liquid drugs improve things at all?