Highest Rated Comments

eterpage79 karma

Do people treat you differently when they learn of your HIV status?

Edit: why the downvotes? It happened to other perfectly good questions as well.

eterpage13 karma

Have you ever dated anyone? Just wondering cause that'd be a situation where you'd probably have to tell them.

eterpage7 karma

Link for lazy or uninitiated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f02Q5IFoyKw

eterpage5 karma

No... The unemployment rate is not 42%.

If your talking about "not looking for work" than it may be correct. But unemployed is a specific term that means "without a job but looking for work."

eterpage4 karma

My family has been in the foreign service for 11 years.

You have to take the free Foreign Service exam. If it has stayed the same for the last 11 years, you then get an interview where they basically grill you on current events and a lot of other things. The rate of people making it past these two legs is about .5%, so it a rather difficult job to get.

Also interesting, even if you do get the job, you have a 5 year probationary period. You have to get tenure during those 5 years or you get kicked out. Though only about 25% actually fail to make tenure.