Highest Rated Comments

everfanheroes292 karma

No. Never! :)

everfanheroes127 karma

Very large market for capes! And we actually sell as many adult as we do for kids. And yes, Edna E Mode comes up often in our world of business. :)

everfanheroes108 karma

Absolutely! We are open to making anything. Email areka@everfan.com and she can work through the details of what you might want and let you know what something like that would cost. I would love to make it for you!

everfanheroes99 karma

Hello! First I see what orders have come in from the day before and if they need any special customization, such as embroidery or sewing. I plan my day around those items and then using any down time to create new product. I recently created double-sided capes, which will be available on our site soon, and ones with ruffles on the border! We also work with a non-profit creating capes for children with CHD. I personalize each cape using our embroidery machine. I have a very fun and rewarding job. Thank you for your interest!

everfanheroes67 karma

Anatomically correct stick figure.