Highest Rated Comments

exscape54 karma

I'm pretty sure that's a junk account... Especially seeing how the representative's name isn't "Darrel".

exscape31 karma

And here I would think expensive cameras would make them look less real!

exscape26 karma

Big numbers are funny in that they don't necessarily look big.

The universe is about 13.8 billion years old (13.8 * 109 years). A year is about 365.25 days, each of which is 86400 seconds (24*60*60), so a year is 3.15576 * 107 seconds. Multiply the two together and you get (13.8 * 3.15) * (107 * 109) or about 43.47 * 1016 = 4.347 * 1017.

1021 seconds is more than 1000 times the age of the universe. The exponent does a lot.

exscape22 karma

What? Didn't all of these close down voluntarily, to AVOID being shut down?

exscape18 karma

I can't help but point out the non-factoid that a factoid is a piece of untrue, non-proven information, that is, often not fact:
