Highest Rated Comments

f0rcedinducti0n939 karma

A pyramid of karma, if you will.

f0rcedinducti0n10 karma

The problem is that generally, states that enact safe storage, also make it a crime to not have safe storage / lose a firearm. So, firearm theft often goes unreported until the weapon is used in a crime and is traced back to the original owner.

If you want to enact safe storage, you shouldn't also make it a crime to lose a firearm/have it stolen. This will discourage people from coming forward. It is the same reason people won't seek help for addiction or mental health issues, because of the repercussions that come along with it.

Most firearms storage solutions that meet state regulations are laughably easy to defeat, because as soon as you enact a standard, manufactures will only comply with the bare minimum of the standard and people will take the cheapest option that complies. Keep in mind most safe storage regulations are more geared towards making sure children don't get their hands on the firearms than to prevent theft, because a thief will have the tools necessary to defeat the security cabinet or safe.

Collectors who have firearms worth protecting, have some kind of safe storage, but given enough unfettered access to the safe, nothing is impregnable. A lot of firearms are stolen from vehicles because people who open or concealed carry are required to leave them there due to workplace regulations or state law. Allowing people who have obtained their license to carry to keep it on their person any where they go would probably help prevent this.

Another good option for encouraging safe storage would be to offer a tax-rebate incentive / grant for people purchasing safe storage (which would encourage people to get something, and maybe something more substantial than the bare minimum, the rebate could even increase with the security level of the storage) whilst not discouraging people from reporting stolen firearms by charging them with a crime.

You will get immediate and uncompromising push back if you ask for any type of registry and/or safe storage requirements that include criminal charges which preclude you from owning firearms in the future.

f0rcedinducti0n10 karma

They're man rated. That is about all we can say about them. Unexpected is unexpected.

f0rcedinducti0n9 karma

I've got to go,

f0rcedinducti0n5 karma

Really? I would think nothing seems worth climbing after Everest.