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f_bastiat34 karma

For the both of you, if you could pick the next POTUS, but it had to be a fictional movie/TV/book character, who would it be any why?

f_bastiat12 karma

Seriously, how many genders are there? You made tweet a while back that was really confusing to people like me who think you are a pretty brilliant dude.

f_bastiat9 karma

Do you believe the NSA or other agency already has either back doors and or hacks to decipher any of the 3 types of encryption that Truecrypt uses. Also, are there any new forms of encryption coming down the pipeline that will make the current ones irrelevant?

f_bastiat8 karma

Armored ISIS cosmonauts, these guys are getting out of control.

f_bastiat7 karma

How much does a starting TSA employee make a year with no related experience? Assuming you wouldnt be out of a job, do you feel a private unregulated security firm would be just as if not more efficient in protecting the airport and if so is that something you think should happen? Is this just a job for you or is that a field you were interested in? I ask specifically because I'm sure it makes a crossover to other government jobs easy, what else do you see yourself doing? Do you see lots of loop holes in the system that someone could still get through with something (aside from the articles we read)? Do you feel terrorism is actually a problem in our country post 9-11? Anyone can just go derail a train or set fire to buildings doing just as much damage, why are planes still such a priority? If you were in charge of the TSA tomorrow what would be your first move?