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factbasedorGTFO88 karma

In the US, the consequences for merely not signing up for Selective Service don't involve prison time, but are still pretty severe.

No employment through federal government, and ineligibility for federal benefits like FASFA. Many states and large private corporations that do work for the government won't hire the American males who didn't sign up for Selective Service.

factbasedorGTFO38 karma

That should go without saying, but I don't think even a lot of Americans know what the penalties are for not signing up.

factbasedorGTFO26 karma

And that's when you knew you had made the big time.

factbasedorGTFO5 karma

Honeycrisp is a University of Minnesota product. Their US patent on it expired in 2008, but supposedly $10,000,000 in royalties was raised by 2012.

factbasedorGTFO4 karma

but these pesticides tend to be soil organisms themselves or mineral based

You'd call pyrethrin, rotenone, and other plant based pesticides soil organisms? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrethrin#Toxicity

Keep it mind it is very easy to skew data

Aren't you skewing things by claiming natural pesticides or "mineral based" are somehow safer than synthetic choices? Aren't copper based fungicides potentially harmful to to soils at high levels?

I bring that up, because it's easy to argue synthetic fungicides organic rules themselves out of are more effective and less harmful than copper based fungicides.

Asbestos, mercury, and arsenic are minerals, so merely insinuating something mineral based is safer is misleading and an appeal to nature argument. That's the entire basis of the organic concept, an appeal to nature, and nature isn't always nice.