Highest Rated Comments

fanggoria490 karma

First and foremost, I would like to say I have never been so excited over an AMA before. You are by far my favorite director, and my two favorite movies of all-time are Dazed and Confused and Slacker.

I love the stream of consciousness style that Slacker takes on, but I was wondering where you managed to come up with some of the dialogue in the film. The Scooby Doo bribery theory, for example, and the Madonna pap smear. That’s some pretty wacky shit. Did you just come up with that off of the top of your head? Were you under the influence of any drugs at any time while writing the script? What was your favorite movie to make? I feel like being on set of Dazed and Confused would’ve been the best time ever. While I have the opportunity, I would also just like to say I think you are the absolute BEST at constructing dialogue and soundtracks. Please never stop making movies ☺

fanggoria43 karma

I got your acknowledgment and that matters! It's ok I'm sort of having an unlucky day, I didn't think I'd get a response at all

fanggoria25 karma

In Slacker, can you give us some insight on the ritual the man who runs over his mother is performing? I was always confused as hell by him cutting pictures out of the yearbook....and the clip on a loop is unsettling. How do YOU interpret that scene?

fanggoria7 karma

Don't ever let any jerks bring you down! You're an awesome person and I think anyone that's ever said anything rude to you really has it coming to them. What a bunch of creeps. I really hope things get better for you and you don't find yourself surrounded by assholes because you seem really cool and you definitely do NOT deserve that sort of treatment whatsoever.

fanggoria7 karma

Hey you rule!