Highest Rated Comments

fatjello10 karma

First off, I would like to commend you on your superb acting ability. You didn't have many lines, but when you spoke you always struck me as an extremely believable tweaker, even more so than Jesse.

What is Bryan Cranston like in real life?

fatjello5 karma

Hey there Chris! Thanks for doing all this. You sound like an extremely fit and knowledgable man. My question for you is, what SPEED should I be performing my lifts? Often times I see big guys attacking their sets and trying to lift their weights ultra quickly. However I have had a few trainers tell me that it is much more beneficial to pick up a smaller dumbbell and focus on lifting very slowly. A great trainer at my gym suggests that a 3 second contraction and a 2 second extension is the ideal speed. What is your take on the matter?