Highest Rated Comments

fdafdasfdasfdafdafda22 karma

it frees up the receptionists time because his business is literally providing you a cheaper receptionist. why would you need 2 receptionists?

His business let's you get rid of your office because your receptionist is virtual so hell you could save a lot of money.

I don't know how the AI stuff works but it looks like his receptionists are real live people who just work remotely.

fdafdasfdasfdafdafda7 karma

the answer should be yes, they are going to replace receptionists.

I mean the service literally provides online receptionists who answer the phone, collect money, and book their first appointment and can work 24/7.

How would this not replace an in house receptionist who only works from 9 -5?

fdafdasfdasfdafdafda2 karma

  • Your website looks really clunky, try streamline it more. Like when you go to the donate page, the navigation links at the top disappear. As a young person who is also a software engineer, i feel like your website should look and work better than it is right now.

  • can you use a professional photograph of you and your wife instead of a zoomed in selfie? Use less dog pics. Your bio is way to damn wordy. Just get to the point. Maybe just use bullet points of the work you've done in the community. I read the bio two times and did not really get what you did for the community or why you are even running.

  • your issues are TOO specific and at the same time too vague. Don't make people click a link, then another link, to see what you stand for. Just pick 2 or 3 issues that are most important to you and write the title in big bold and right under it write about how you feel in a very short paragraph. Put pictures of you doing something in the community too. I would pick Traffic, Education, and Finance.

  • are you even canvassing your district and putting up banners? reddit AMA's aren't that effective in actually getting name recognition in your own community. who really cares what reddit thinks. 99% of them aren't your constituents.

fdafdasfdasfdafdafda2 karma

yeah. withdrawing is awful advice. Everyone scores crappy on the practice tests.

Frankly even if you are not ready just take it. who knows what will happen. If you wait, that's another 6 months you have to wait. That's insane.

fdafdasfdasfdafdafda2 karma

This sounds amazing. I could totally replace my reception staff with this service. It also sounds like your receptionists work 24 hours a day which is pretty awesome.