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feelforyourlife13 karma

So, I found a benign lump accidentally when I was 18 years old. I had it removed, and that experience put me in the habit of doing self breast exams throughout adulthood.

I found the malignant lump in my breast at 33 years old.

I'm the 4th generation on my dad's side of the family to get breast cancer, and I don't say it runs in my family; it sprints. One great grandmother, my grandmother, 5 grand aunts, 2 aunts and now me.

The thing is, no one in my family has ever tested positive for a known gene mutation.

feelforyourlife11 karma

When you make your appointment, talk to your physician about your concerns regarding cancer. Go over your family history, talk about the possibility of environmental factors, discuss your individual risks and talk about a screening routine that's appropriate for you. If you don't feel comfortable about your doctor or the conversation you have with him/her, it's ok to get a second opinion.

When you make your appointment, talk to your physician about your concerns regarding cancer. Go over your family history, talk about the possibility of environmental factors, discuss your individual risks and talk about a screening routine that's appropriate for you. Your screening routine may include scans and/or bloodwork.

If you don't feel comfortable about your doctor or the conversation you have with him/her, it's ok to get a second opinion.

feelforyourlife11 karma

My oncologist, who has treated me, one of my aunts and my grandmother, believes that there is a gene mutation, but it's not known at this time. I was initially tested against 80-something genes and as science advances, my oncologist will check in with me for more testing. I have thought about the other services though.

feelforyourlife5 karma

There was not a positive familial mutation that was detected. I had a hysterectomy because of the unknown cancer risk (others in my family have had uterine cancer), and I wanted to reduce my reoccurrence rate for breast cancer.

feelforyourlife4 karma

Whatever my nephews want to watch when I'm babysitting them. If it keeps them entertained, it's my favorite. :-)