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femmenon2 karma

No idea about the autism thing. Tourettes can be verbal and physical. Not OP, but I have TS, so I'm gonna try and help here.

Some are verbal (I bark and chirp a lot, along with repeating words (echolalia)) but some are physical (I blink a lot, I clench my jaw, once I had a tic where I slapped myself.)

femmenon2 karma

Not OP but I have tourettes.

Tourettes is weird, because it's a known thing that a lot of people with it have problems with math, so keep an eye on that and make sure he has support in school. His emotions and anxiety levels will affect his tics, so focus on making HIM feel better, not surpressing the tics themselves.

Just remember :happy, calm child=less tics.

At school, as long as he has something to focus on, the tics will be less prominent. Talk to his teachers, explain this to them so they know he's not just acting out.

Also, one of those medical bracelet things (the silver ones) you can order online to explain he has OCD and TS will help so people stop giving him shit in public. They're a lifesaver.

But yeah, treat the kid, not the tics.

femmenon2 karma

Someone with tourettes here---I fucking loved that episode. The kids that actually had TS on the episode were spot on and it's the only show I've seen that has properly portrayed tourettes. Of all shows, they're the only ones I've seen that didn't make a total botchery of it.

femmenon1 karma

Tourettes is a syndrome, which means that the tics are just /part/ of it. My doctors didn't put it together until they realized I had multiple symptoms. OCD is a huge factor, and of course the actual tics. There's no real test, you just generally show symptoms and they check to make sure there's no brain tumor or anything causing the behavior.

OCD, Anxiety, and tics are generally a grouped thing that make up Tourettes. Again, everyone is different, but that's the general grouping that leans towards a TS diagnosis.