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fifteencat6 karma

The period of privatization in Russia was a shocking period of astonishing suffering as publicly owned companies became vessels of profit for people like yourself. I was struck by this video where children discuss their prostitution habits. Here is a further discussion of children suffering. An overall 10 year drop in life expectancy. Do you see yourself as having played a role in this suffering?

fifteencat3 karma

Vietnam was invaded because intelligence indicated that if elections were held they would vote the wrong way. They would vote for socialists. In response our government initiated saturation bombing, chemical warfare, and enacted policies that lead directly to the targeting of civilians. Throughout Indochina 4 million would die. Is it appropriate to memorialize those that carried out one of the most vicious war crimes in recent memory? What of those that think that we should rather memorialize the victims of this atrocity?

fifteencat3 karma

No, I'm not here for the sake of being a jerk. I'm here because we act like the 4 million or whatever number of people were killed by our violence are like non-persons. We know exactly how many Americans died. 58220. How many of them died? Who gives a shit? They are sub-human.

I believe the dead Americans deserve a memorial. But right along side it should be a memorial to the millions of SE Asians killed. All are victims of profit and greed from US leadership. The Germans have not forgotten the Jews that were killed and when they remember their ancestors they also remember the victims of their ancestors. We do not remember our victims in this country and it's wrong.

fifteencat2 karma

That's a common myth. Zbignew Brzezinski embarrassed Joe Scarborough for making a similar claim. https://youtu.be/0mk18af8z9Y

fifteencat2 karma

Exactly. Everyone patting this guy on the back because of his fight against Putin, I wonder how much of his fight is motivated by the fact that Putin ended his gravy train.