Highest Rated Comments

fightclubdoll414 karma

=-) <blush> ...that was me. I asked about the pancakes. (It said I had 0 points, so I thought Reddit was banishing my question to the far corners of the universe where lame questions go to die.) Happy now, however... THANKS!! Even your pancakes ROCK!

fightclubdoll29 karma

What do you think of having some commoners (for marriage/having children) and orphans that are unknowingly descended from heroic bloodlines? (I see these leading to Lost Bloodline/House quests that would let the children (and orphans, if adopted) fully unlock the new traits or relics.)

fightclubdoll2 karma

What do you envision for the visuals: the art direction for the characters/environments as well as the way combat and non-combat will appear on screen? Will combat look like Civ Rev or XCOM, for example? (What are the limits to the vision/mechanics?) Will you only really know after funding is complete?