Highest Rated Comments

filmbuff1011225 karma

Have any of you tried to jump over a fence that collapsed on you in real life?

filmbuff10165 karma

I have seen several films about genetically engineered sharks, tigers, spiders, mammoths, and whatnot, but I have yet to see a movie about genetically engineered cows. Cows that are genetically engineered to be able to produce twice as much milk and to be able to milk themselves wind up growing 5 times their size rebelling against humanity that has ruthlessly tipped them over and slaughtered them over the years. The title: Cowpocolypse (or Cowasaurus Rex). The tagline: Don't cownt on surviving. When can I expect this movie to premier? It will do what Jaws did for sharks, except for cows. Cows are seen as harmless because the movies portray them that way. Isn't it about time to change that?

filmbuff10147 karma

What movies are coming out that you are excited to see?

filmbuff1018 karma

Hey thanks for doing this! I am a student at NYU and wrote a paper on your film It's Such a Beautiful Day for my sound class. I was curious if you did all of your own sound design and how you go about creating those sounds?

filmbuff1018 karma

Have you seen College Humor's Ghost Spiders commercial. If not, here is the link. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6232058/ghost-spiders What is your opinion of this? Do you think we will ever be able to see a full motion picture of Ghost Spiders?