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firefightertx33 karma

I don't think they knew they were going to die. Whether that was ignorance or simply misreading the situation, we won't know. None of us could walk out the door, kiss our families goodbye, knowing that. Our local area has a saying, "We all come home." Any firefighter that gets into a situation and knows that they aren;t going to get out, will say their goodbyes and state their wishes over the radio. We could all die at any time, and every one of the first responders that died from the primary explosion--died INSTANTANIOIUSLY. One minute, they were wth their brothers, doing what they love, and the next instant, they were gone. I think most firefighters and their familes hope that, should their loved ones fall in the line of duty, it would as quick and as painless as that.

firefightertx26 karma

We don't know what they knew because they are all missing. Main points: They arrived at the scene, realized there was a BLEVE risk, and began evacuation procedures of the surrounding area as a prcaution. They began applying water in an attempt to prevent the liquid from reaching its boilng point. They were unsuccesful, but the time that they bought with their lives, no doubt saved many others.

Thank you for your thoughts.

firefightertx26 karma

And Howdy.

firefightertx21 karma

Most people don't have knowledge of firefighting equipment and apparatus, I figured that 'oxygen mask' might be better for Reddit.

firefightertx18 karma

Thank you. This is a community of small towns, and many of the firefighters/first responders are close to, even related to each other. It is very hard on all of us.