Highest Rated Comments

firepiggymonkfish14 karma

Thanks for doing this! I've heard of you before and found your story interesting. I have a few questions for you, actually.

1) Considering that you were raised in an Evangelical environment, did you find that the friends and family from the religious side had difficulty trying to discuss or dissuade you from "being gay" since you were raised with the same counter arguments already? Or did they just throw the same stuff at you that you already had used before this experiment?

2) Have any of your friends or family from before this experience changed their minds about the LGBT community or are they still as steadfastly against it as before?

3) Knowing what you know now, would you do it again?

firepiggymonkfish7 karma

That's a really interesting question. I hadn't considered the aspect of "coming out straight." He may be one of the only people ever to have had to do that if you think about it...

firepiggymonkfish4 karma

Context is.... miraculous! I'm being totally serious.

firepiggymonkfish2 karma

I think a lot of people think they know what to say to argue but haven't ever really dug down themselves so they just end up spitting the rhetoric. I think people are scared to really analyze something they know for fear that they might be wrong and they'll lose something of themselves, even if it's for the better.

Thanks for replying!

firepiggymonkfish1 karma

Actually, I had sausage, eggs, and biscuits for breakfast and it was all perfectly urine free.

I have extremely low tolerance for rhetoric and the "party line" type statements. The brain is there to be used.