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fistasaverb17 karma

I know you're not asking me, but myfitnesspal (android and iOS) is a great start to weight loss. It makes you accountable for what you intake and what your output it.

Secondly, I know they sound gimmicky, but a fitbit charge HR really works. It gives relevant information like monitoring your calories burned based on height, weight, and heartrate, and even helps monitor your sleep.

It ties in together with myfitnesspal and helps show a deficit. I do my best to stay within 1500 calories total, but I also eat when I feel it's necessary.

I start the day with a smoothie, consisting of 1/2 cup of high protein, lactose free milk, 1/2 cup chobani yogurt, 1/2 scoop of protein powder, and some kind of fruit. This tends to be around 250 to 300 calories, depending on the fruit.

Drink plenty of water throughout your day. I drink around 64 ounces of water a day. I keep it filled, and whenever I'm feeling just a bit thirsty, I drink. Yeah, you have to pee often, but you'll feel like between good sleep and plenty of hydration, you won't need caffeine to get through your day. I'm a teacher,.and it's difficult to find time to pee. I make my students wait outside in between classes, or have a coworker watch my class for a couple minutes. This is key, as it'll quell some of your eating urges, and you'll realize you're not really that hungry.

For lunch, my wife and I pack salads in jars. Sounds weird, but we make 10 meals on a Sunday evening for work throughout the week. Saves on time, limits what you're consuming, and is definitely filling. For salads, it's about 5 cherry tomatoes, 2 white mushrooms, 3-4 ounces of skinless chicken thigh meat, black beans, chickpeas, feta cheese, julienned carrots, and 2 cups of lettuce. I use a probiotic, blue cheese yogurt dressing, and total, this ranges from 400-500 calories.

Before heading out to the gym, i might eat a snack, like a clif bar or some beef jerky. I TRY to work out for an hour after work. It's very difficult for me to find the time, but part of why my health spiraled out of control was my job. I put myself and my health on the back burned, and made the decision that I am the most important person and I MAKE the time. I try to go five days a week, but these days, if I go 3 times, that's a great week.

For dinner, plenty of veggies, some kind of protein. Not many carbs unless I'm feeling it. It's important to listen to how you feel. Don't get me wrong, I still eat pizza, burgers, and beer, but moderation and 'every once in a while' is key.

Sure, there's a day here of there you're a little off. Don't beat yourself up. You didn't gain it in a week, and you're not going to lose it in a week; just remember this is a life change, not a temporary diet or a fad.

After all this, I've lost around 45-50 pounds in 6 months. I honestly stopped weighing myself, but went by how my clothes fit. There's also a point when you're replacing fat with muscle.

TL;DR use myfitnesspal, eat right, watch what you eat, drink plenty of water, work out, don't deprive yourself of things you enjoy (enjoy in moderation), and remember it's a life change, not a temporary fix.

fistasaverb7 karma

I've been teaching for 10 years. It's definitely not for the weak. You'll be largely unsupported but have overbearing administration and ridiculous expectations made of you. While it's neither here nor there whether the kids like you or not, gaining their respect is something that takes experience to earn. I've taught in two districts, the current one being pretty amazing and we'll paying despite its title 1 status, and the previous being a horror show, also title 1.

I like the subject I teach, but holy shit, is it rough, with each year getting harder.

My question is this; what's your next plan of action career wise? I'm looking into doing something else but still not sure what. I was just to know what options you feel are available. Thanks!

fistasaverb5 karma

Used scions.

fistasaverb2 karma

I know you're not going to end up reading this, but I watched your show when I was a kid in the early 80's. Definitely fueled my interested in old school horror and b-movies.

Don't really have a question, but will you do an AMA again? Hope so, maybe I won't miss it next time.