Highest Rated Comments

flashnuke391 karma

I was implying something completely different

flashnuke388 karma

delivered some seed huh

flashnuke62 karma

No joke, a couple friends of mine went to Camden to try and sell a quad and were robbed at gunpoint. They called the cops and all the cops had to say was "you sound white, what are you doing in Camden if you don't live here?" I currently do no reside in NJ a.t.m but we are all from the A.C. area.

Edit: I guess instead of quad I should have put dirt bike, I was referring to a 4 wheeler.

flashnuke29 karma

Probably to keep the streets as clean and safe as possible, if an addict has to travel too far to get his/her fix things could turn for the worse.

flashnuke7 karma

1) How is the selling of peoples phone numbers legal?

2) How is it not harassment to keep calling someone when obviously they are not picking up for a reason?