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fleischio115 karma

I’ve never gotten a good answer on this, maybe you could shed some light.

I was a reactor operator in the Navy for ~6 years. We measured exposure in Roentgen Equivalent Man (REM) while it seems that the rest of the industry uses Sieverts as the standard unit.

Do you suppose this is just The Navy’s unwillingness to change, or perhaps there’s a good reason for it?

Thanks in advance my friend.

fleischio67 karma

How big is your ship/boat?

I ask because I was stationed on an Aircraft Carrier when I was in the USN, and even sailing through 15-20 ft swells in The Atlantic barely moved that hunk of metal. I can imagine it’s kind of rough until you get your sea legs under you, no?

Cheers, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!

fleischio35 karma

Well JDTexas84 , they’re what’s called a trophy fish, so, uhhh, yeah they’re pretty big

fleischio35 karma

Glad to hear!

The only thing that got me in those massive swells was that the ship would rock sloooooowly back and forth all day which put me right to sleep.

2am-7am watch sucked on its own, but being soothed to sleep like a baby made it nigh impossible to stay awake.

fleischio19 karma

I’m trying to imagine having sex while K-holing, and it’s absolutely hilarious