Highest Rated Comments

flifcat93 karma

Do you find yourself saying "It is Known" constantly?

flifcat24 karma

Does it make me a bad person that hard on the heels of "Yay! Living!" came "Right, now I really want an update from the two redditors who got married after one of them posted a 'marry me plz for financial aid reasons' post and then did an IAmA together saying they super-clicked".

flifcat24 karma

Amrita was clothed throughout.

flifcat14 karma

Are they all going to small towns where there might be only one pharmacist who'd recognize the nervous lady?

The two times I've bought pregnancy tests it was a matter of 'hmm I'm a little late hmm it's probably nothing okay I'm heading to the nearest pharmacy NOW and taking the test in the nearest toilet'. Can't imagine waiting days once I'd made my mind up.

flifcat13 karma

Good for you.

When my parents' marriage had just fallen apart, my mother did the following:

accused me (14F) of sleeping with my dad;

told my brother (8M) of the above;

accused my dad of molesting my brother.

Thank God she never said any of this craziness to an outside party.